

「五輪中止、パラリンピック中止、五輪派遣医師帰還、希望者原則入院、政権交代、皆の枝野ビジョンでコロナ禍の世界経済を生き抜く!」 オリンピックの中止および来月のパラリンピックも中止を検討すべき旨、組織委員会コロナ対策専門家会議の岡部座長も述べ…

Data of the No. of Covid-19 New Cases in Tokyo that Keeps Increasing So Fast

Please watch the Covid-19 situation in Tokyo, not Japan, when you consider the safe Olympics because it is the place for the main venues of Tokyo Olympics. You see that Tokyo is not right for the Olympics now. The No. of Covid-19 New Cases…

Data of the No. of Covid-19 New Cases in Tokyo that Keeps Increasing So Fast

Please watch the Covid-19 situation in Tokyo, not Japan, when you consider the safe Olympics because it is the place for the main venues of Tokyo Olympics. You see that Tokyo is not right for the Olympics now. The No. of Covid-19 New Cases…

Data of the No. of Covid-19 New Cases in Tokyo that Keeps Increasing So Fast

Please watch the Covid-19 situation in Tokyo, not Japan, when you consider the safe Olympics because it is the place for the main venues of Tokyo Olympics. You see that Tokyo is not right for the Olympics now. The No. of Covid-19 New Cases…

Data of the No. of Covid-19 New Cases in Tokyo that Keeps Increasing So Fast

Please watch the Covid-19 situation in Tokyo, not Japan, when you consider the safe Olympics because it is the place for the main venues of Tokyo Olympics. You see that Tokyo is not right for the Olympics now. The No. of Covid-19 New Cases…

Data of the No. of Covid-19 New Cases in Tokyo that Keeps Increasing So Fast

Please watch carefully the Covid-19 situation in Tokyo, the place for the main venues of the Olympics. You see that it is not the right time for the Olympics. The No. of Covid-19 New Cases in Tokyo has been increasing ever since June 16 ex…

Data of the No. of Covid-19 New Cases in Tokyo that Keeps Increasing So Fast

Please watch carefully the Covid-19 situation in Tokyo, the place for the main venues of the Olympics. You see that it is not the right time for the Olympics. The No. of Covid-19 New Cases in Tokyo has been increasing ever since June 16 ex…

The No. of Covid-19 New Cases in Tokyo keeps increasing so fast!!

The No. of Covid-19 New Cases in Tokyo has been increasing ever since June 16 execept June 19. The pace is quite fast recently with 34% up on July 4th from the same day of the previous week and 34% up againg on July 3rd. The Covid situatio…


President Biden and PM Suga are both so passionate about working for the people!Under their leadership, let us make the US-Japan alliance stronger than ever and together lead the democracy in the world in order to make it a better place!! …